It's been a long long time since the last time I had a post here neh? Nearly one year, rite? It's equivalent to the period Joe did nothing new (for his international fans) :P.

Actually, this site has frozen for this long time just because of only one reason: its poster is too lazy (I mean... it's me :P).
But now, Joe is coming back and me too ^^.
I cannot sure about the frequency of new posts here cause I'm still lazy now and I have some business with my school work + part-time job too. However, I will try to run this blog again. If you are Joe's fans and believe that you can help me update this blog, I will very appreciate this. Thanks in advance.

For this comeback, I re-post one of my personal entry on my blog that I forgot posting here in the right time. It's too late now but I still think it's funny to read again :P.

Pa! Pa! Pa!
It's over one year since the first time I said Hello! to you. Time has gone so fast...

Remember in my memories... The day you appeared was like an illusion. You aroused all my feeling which seems to be sunk Into Oblivion by the long lonely days. You were so naughty, like a Humming Bird attracted my attention. Surprisingly, I asked: "What is your name?"

You like a spring comes into my cold heart. You make me become a crazy car, make me do anything to be Closer to you. One Man Band is something miraculous. But I love you not only because of that. Knowing more and more about your personality is the reason Ties The Two of us. Your Gravity becomes deep, deeper in myself. Nowhere in my heart does not exist your image though I don't want to think about it. Unexpectedly, I turn into a satellite clings to you but not anyone else.

Today you are already 24 year olds withfull of Rage. If I could meet you at the midnight, it would be an enjoyable Party Night when I sing P.J Anthem instead of birthday song.

You're still In A Way to GO★. Never give up my beloved, because I always follow behind you.

Love you so much!
Happy birthday to my Inoue Joe ^o^!


(õ_õ) Note

Illusion = Maboroshi
Arousal = Kakusei
Spring = Haru
Car = Kuruma
Deep = Shinkai
I don't want to think about it = Kanga.eta.kunai
Satellite = Jinkoueisei
Midnight = Reiji (Rage)

Actually I'm not sure about the meaning of 零時. I don't know Japanese at all. Google translates helps me so much to understand the meaning of some song titles in Kanji, except for this one: RAGE ~twenty four~.
Nah~ But I think I've tried so much to write these things above. It's not bad, rite? ^^~

Vietnamese version is in my own blog (

Posted on 30th August 2009 @ 3-foot Cat's facebook and blog