This blog is not the 1st site I've created for Inoue Joe. However, for some unexpected reasons, I have to change into this one. From now on, I'll build this "Kingdom" again, and I hope it will become one of the most useful addresses for anyone loves mr.JI. At here, everything is going around him only.
Of course, I hope that YOU will help me to do this. If you loves Joe's musik, why don't you join and establish this blog with me? Together, we will absolutely build a well-off kingdom for Joe's fans.

I take the name "Kingdom of Joe" based on the PV of CLOSER, the most popular song of him up til now. It's suitable, isn't it?

One kingdom must have RULEs. Thus, even if I don't wanna do this, I still have to write some below (though some of them are just like recommends):

1. If you're true fans of Inoue Joe, don't forget to support him by buying his CDs.

2. Because I wanna make this site is more official, I won't share his goods directly.
I'm sure that all of JOE's musik have already been uploaded on the internet. Thus, I don't think we need to re-post here. However, I still share all of them as 192kbps files with the lyrics (romaji and kanji, some of them have the translation) in the gmail:
If you really wanna have this (can't strive for your own CD), please contact me at or leave a comment here. I will send the password to you. Don't forget your mail address!
When you sign in this mail, go to Drafts. Each mail in here attached one song and the content (if has) is the lyric. You can see the labels define the CDs.

3. Please don't share anything in the email outside, I don't wanna lock this.

4. Credit to .♥ Kingdom of Joe ♥. (KoJi) if you take anything from here to another site.

Comments are ♥

koji's plan

Kingdom of Joe (abbreviate as KoJi) has a plan to sub all of Joe's PVs and TV show (only have one at this time). We need all kinds of fansubbers as timers, translators, typesetters, encoders for this project. If you like to join with us, please leave a comment.